Healing early life trauma - before, during and after birth - at any age


Have you ever wondered if the patterns, symptoms, perceptions and core beliefs that keep repeating and are holding you back in your present life, relationships and parenting may originate as far back as your own conception, womb and birth experiences? 


All early experiences - the way you were born, the way you were met and received in the womb and the way you were welcomed after birth as a baby and young child - leave an imprint in your body, heart and soul.


Perceptions, core beliefs and patterns that keep repeating in your present life and never change, even though you know that they are not helpful, may be survival and protective responses that kept you alive at some point in our early life, in the womb or during the birth process, when things may have been overwhelming for a little one. They are no longer needed now, in your present life.


Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Prenatal & Birth Therapy acknowledge the importance of the way we come into the world and how this shapes who we become.


If your basic human needs of recognition, acknowledgment and unconditional acceptance were not met as a prenate in the womb or as a baby/young child, you may then have difficulties in developing a sense of safety in the world and being present with yourself and others in your adult life.

Your nervous system may stay stuck in a combination of fight/ flight/ freeze and, as an adult, you may experience overwhelming and intense feelings - anger, helplessness, anxiety, fear, panic - without knowing where they are coming from.

What happens in your early life can also create a template for:

  • how you come into relationship with yourself and with others

  • the way you respond to stress

  • recurring physical symptoms

  • how you experience change and transitions

  • the way you parent your children

  • the way you welcome a new being into the world at conception, in the womb and at birth.

Your early tendencies will continue to unconsciously play in your adult life and be held in your body until you become aware of them and find a space where your Little One inside can be heard and met.

Healing means slowly coming back to your body and your present experience and reconnecting with the parts of yourself that you may have dissociated from as a consequence of unresolved trauma, going as far back as conception and birth.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and Prenatal & Birth Therapy can help you to heal, complete and integrate early life experiences and trauma

I invite you into a new relational space in which you are seen, received, acknowledged and unconditionally accepted.

Over time your nervous system can relax and you can begin to experience safety at a level that you may have never known before.

Your body can then show us the parts of your early history that need to be heard, witnessed and integrated. 

Deeply held patterns that are no longer needed can be resolved, in a safe and resourced way.

Places of contraction can release and your body can begin to soften and expand.

A shift from survival mode, which makes you react to life from a place of activation and fear, into a more present, connected and relaxed state can happen.


“If people enter the world knowing and feeling they matter, then they have received the first necessary rite of passage to becoming human and, in turn, they are likely to treat themselves and all other living things as though they matter too”.

— Mia Kalef